MSA Biennial Boarding Conference

Over the last three days, nineteen Directors of Boarding and senior boarding staff from the seven MSA boarding schools have been hosted by St Gregory’s College, Campbelltown, and St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill, for their biennial conference.  They were joined, as has been the custom over recent conferences, by the only Marist boarding school in New Zealand, Sacred Heart College Auckland.  This year, staff from St Francis de Sales College, Leeton, a school formerly conducted by the Marist Brothers, also attended.  During their days together, major sessions were led by Brothers Michael Flannagan and Michael Green, as well as workshops on practical matters of boarding.  Brother Robert O’Connor also spoke at the opening dinner, and Ross Tarlington after dinner the following evening. Thanks to Matthew Brennan (SGC) and John Reading (SJC), and to their respective Colleges, for leading what was a very successful and enjoyable conference.

Chris Mirabella