Regional Director - Marist Schools Australia

The National Director of Marist Schools Australia invites applications for the Director of the Brisbane Region. Marist Schools Australia brings together a family of 55 Catholic schools which draw on Marist spirituality and Marist educational practice to help shape their identity and enliven their mission of evangelization through Catholic education.  

For an information package, please contact Sally Dillon on

Applications close: 17 October 2018

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Sally Dillon
Newsletter 12: 11 September 2018

The National Marist Assistant Principals conference, recently held at the Marist Centre in Brisbane, was a great gathering of 44 Marist leaders from every State and Territory. The theme of the Conference was The climate of the Marist classroom and was ably led by Dr Paul Rijken, the Principal of Cardijn College in Adelaide, and a member of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools. Paul is a dynamic and visionary Catholic school leader, with a passion for school improvement, informed by research, to foster outstanding learning outcomes for students. In 2018 Paul was appointed director of Catholic Secondary Principals Australia and a member of the Regional Council (VIC/SA/WA) for Marist Schools Australia. In 2017, he completed a PhD in mathematics and science from Curtin University and was awarded Principals Australia Institute’s John Laing Award for his commitment to facilitating professional learning for all staff in his school and across the SA Catholic sector.

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Sally Dillon
Newsletter 11: 28 August 2018

After a tumultuous week in Australian politics, we have a new Prime Minister, and a new Cabinet.  Whatever our political beliefs and preferences, it would seem most Australians are pretty fed up with party machinations that led to the removal of a Prime Minister elected by the people. Many political commentators have suggested the succession of different Prime Ministers over the last decade reflects poorly on the way Australian politicians engage in responsible, democratic government.

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Sally Dillon
Newsletter 10: 14 August 2018

We all know from our junior Geography lessons that Australia is the driest continent on earth. A brief review of weather records for the past 200 years readily presents the reality of repeated periods of drought in different parts of the country. The current drought effecting Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria is among the most severe on record.

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Sally Dillon
Newsletter 9: 31 July 2018

As all Marist schools across the country have commenced Semester II, it is worth recalling once again our Marist theme for 2018 in this Year of Youth in the Australian Church. 

“For I know the plans I have for you give you hope and a future”  - Jeremiah 29:11 

Hope, optimism, a new dawn, a fresh start – all positive attitudes to life, strongly rooted in our Christian tradition and expressions of trust in God. Such sentiments are most applicable for our students as they commence their second semester of academic work. Hope, optimism, and trust in God are at the core of Marist spirituality. 

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Sally Dillon
Newsletter 8: 19 June 2018

This past weekend in my own Parish, a young man whom I’ve known since he was just a little fellow stood before us at Mass as a Deacon soon to be ordained. It was a great moment for his family and indeed all Parishioners as he beamed out at the congregation, looking a little older and wiser after years away in Rome studying. From a family of nine, eight boys and one lucky girl, young Matthew took on the responsibility of giving the homily with the poise of an old hand. It was a moment to savour and share, one sadly too rare these days. What connection does this have to Marist Schools Australia? Well in the great Catholic tribe, Marists can claim Matt’s sister as a Marist teacher, his father and uncles as past students of Marist Brothers Mosman in Sydney, and his grandfather and family as friends and supporters of the Marists in Forbes and the central west of NSW. 

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Sally Dillon
The Feast Day of Saint Marcellin

This week as we celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Marcellin, his example of living as a faithful follower of Christ is broughtagain into sharp focus. As a Saint of the universal Church, Marcellin’s relationship with Jesus provides an ongoing example for all Catholics.

Recently on the Marist Pilgrimage, participants had the privilege of spending time in the foothills of the French Alps, which spectacularly skirt the rich, beautiful lands of the Rhône Valley.

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Chris Mirabella
Marist Pilgrimage

Over the past three weeks I had the privilege of sharing in the experience of the Marist pilgrimage. As forecast by many friends and family, it was a life changing experience. Difficult to describe in words, possibly the best way to share meaning with others, is to describe some prominent impressions of the journey, which took us through the Holy Land, to Rome and then to southern France, where Saint Marcellin began his ministry as a Priest and founded the Marist Brothers.

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Hope & Future 2018

2018 has been nominated by the Australian Catholic Bishops as the Year of Youth, 10 years after Sydney hosted the 12th international World Youth Day. Within this important national context, we Marists seek to know and share God's loving presence this year in our schools and ministries. Our Marist theme for 2018 is taken from ancient text recorded in the Book of Jeremiah.

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Chris Mirabella