Newsletter 6: 21 May 2024

Dear Colleagues

Earlier this week the Assistant Principals of Marist Schools throughout the country gathered at The Hermitage in Mittagong for their annual Conference. We were privileged to have as the keynote speakers Miss Pam Betts, the former CEO of Brisbane Catholic Education, and a current Board member for Marist Schools Australia Ltd and Reverend Shane Mackinlay, Bishop of Sandhurst.

The theme of the Conference was Leading a faith community. Pam Betts provided rich insights from her 42 years in Catholic education, most of which were in leadership positions in schools and at a system level. Bishop Shane shared his insights and lived experience of the Synodal Church. Bishop Shane shared his journey with the last Australian Plenary Council and the recent Synod on Synodality in Rome. In both of the important meetings Bishop Shane played key roles in organisation and leadership. Bishop Shane’s emphasis on the people of God “walking together” resonated with the group and sparked much conversation and reflection.

MSA Regional Director for VIC/SA/WA, Darren McGregor, organized the Conference and in sharing some observations at the conclusion of our time together said,

Represented in this room is the current and future leadership of our Marist schools in this country. The obvious commitment to faith and the development of young people in our schools gives us all great confidence and hope for the future of Marist education and the realization of our purpose to make Jesus known and loved through quality Catholic education in the Marist tradition.

Many would be aware that over the past three years Dr John Kyle-Robinson, MSA Regional Director for NSW/ACT, has made significant contributions as a member of the international editorial team who had responsibility for the development of the second edition of the Footsteps document, our key reference on our Marist educational mission. Conscious that this important document has its inspiration firmly and closely associated with the original Teachers Guide by the early Brothers in 1853, this new edition of Footsteps seeks to read the signs of the times and contextualise Marist education for the next period of the 21st century. In recognizing the exhaustive work of John Robinson, it is also important to acknowledge the constructive contributions of Brother Jeff Crowe who was integral in the development of the 1998 edition of Footsteps and has contributed remarkably to the latest edition as well.

On 12 June Champagnat Global will launch the new Footsteps edition online. Details for your information can be found in the Flyer on page 3 and all schools are encouraged to have representatives at one of these online opportunities.

Sally Dillon