Newsletter 2: 22 February 2024
Dear Colleagues
Goal setting – ‘tis the season!
As we settle into the new academic year, classrooms have been buzzing with aspirational goals formed by students and teachers for 2024. With Lent already upon us, goal setting is also very much front of mind in what we might choose to do in prayer, reflection, works for others, and giving during this holy season.
Research in education is replete with studies highlighting the positive impact of goal setting on improved student learning outcomes, as well as teacher and leader efficacy. The influence and support of goal setting to motivation in learning is particularly important. The famous Hungarian-American Psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi recognised and named the psychological concept of “Flow”. Csikszentmihalyi was particularly interested in, and noted for, his work on happiness and creativity, which evolved over time to a construct explored in his seminal work, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. In his exhaustive research over many years, Csikszentmihalyi identified nine key characteristics that manifest a highly focused mental state conducive to productivity. Naturally his work was of enormous interest to educators with whom he collaborated extensively for much of his life.
Three key characteristics of Flow which are possibly most relevant to us as educators, are: clarity of goals; immediate and unambiguous feedback; and concentration on the task at hand. The research indicates when students move closer to achieving a goal, part of the brain linked to motivation is triggered. Clarity and specificity in goal setting are key to promoting the right conditions for motivation. When students co-construct criteria for success with their teacher, and self-assess using those criteria, they are able to identify next steps to take in their learning: This is feedback that feeds-forward to further learning.
As Marists, we often reflect on emphases in our educational approach similar to those identified by Csikszentmihalyi. In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat encourages the nature of our work with young people.
Through a pedgagogy of serious effort, ..
We develop a sense of personal planning and motivation
that shows itself in their good use of time, talents, and initiative.
In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat para 116.
May these early weeks of the new academic year, be marked with an investment of time with students in setting clear, specific goals which will underpin and motivate their learning in 2024.
A prayer for learners
Lord, give us the grace to do our best in all our studies.
Through all the things we learn, may we come to know and love you better,
For all things come from you and lead us to you, for you are in them all.
Rather than our own profit, may the service of others be the motive which urges us.
Grant us a love of the truth, perseverance in difficulties,
modesty in success, and cheerfulness in failure.