Newsletter 15: 17 November 2023
Directors of Catholic Schools are to take care under the watchfulness of the local ordinary, that the instruction, which is given in them, is at least as academically distinguished as that in the other schools of the area.
Canon 806.2 from the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church.
Dear Colleagues
As the end of the school year draws ever closer, our attention is drawn naturally to the qualities and capabilities of our Marist graduates from across our national network of schools. Soon there will be the annual frenzy in the media ranking schools according to ATARs above 90 and a range of other narrow measures that are important yet have significant limitations.
As Marist educators, when we analyse the performance of our Year 12 graduates over the coming months and into the new year, measures to be considered that inform a more complete picture of success can be elicited by lines of inquiry that include:
What percentage of Year 12 students achieved their preferred post school destination?
In which subjects were student results most strongly represented in the top decile or quintile? What are the implications of evident trends in NAPLAN results and Year 12 student performance in each subject over the past 5 years for planning and improvement?
In what percentage of subjects offered at your school, did students perform above and below the reported state or territory mean or median?
Universities Admissions Centre estimates that the average ATAR is approximately 70. What percentage of the Year 12 cohort qualifying for an ATAR was above a 70 ATAR and how does that compare with your school’s ICSEA as reported on the My School website?
What percentage of students undertaking Vocational Education courses successfully demonstrated competency obtained in the relevant AQF qualification?
When the retention from Year 10 to Year 12 percentage is determined, how is that figure better informed by data that captures transition destinations from school for early leavers?
From the 2021 Year 10 cohort, what percentage of students transitioned successfully to further training and employment through TAFE, apprenticeships, or traineeships before the end of Year 12?
In analysing 2023 Year 12 results in comparison with Year 9 2020 and Year 10 2021 school assessment results, what percentage of students were clearly suited to their chosen subjects?
How might the attendance rate of graduating students be reflected in their results?
What are the levels of satisfaction among Year 12 graduate students in exit survey data in relation to support for prayer life, faith formation, well being, belonging, and co-curricula engagement?
As the world reels from the devastation of armed conflict, the Marist Superior General, Brother Ernesto issued a Declaration for Peace and the Cessation of Violence, in which he invites all Marists to reflect and pray in solidarity with all people who are suffering. The declaration is commended to you in our shared prayers for peace.
Declaration for Peace and the cessation of violence:
The Marists of Champagnat, joining Pope Francis in his consideration that “war is never
a necessity, nor is it inevitable. It is always a defeat for humanity”, want to make an urgent
For the immediate cessation of all forms of violence that are taking place in Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, Syria, Haiti... (add other places or situations) and so many other places in the world.
For the open communication and collaboration among all affected by these instances of violence, including both the individuals and groups directly involved, as well as governmental and international entities.
For the free and unfettered flow of humanitarian aid.
To hold accountable those who have committed and are committing crimes of any kind, respecting international law.
To join with those who promote peace and justice even beyond our Marist borders.
To remember and pray for victims of the conflicts that ravage our world.
Prayer for Peace
Mary, Queen of Peace, we greet you, our Good Mother.
You are the mother of those who suffer the horror of war, give us the gift of peace.
Virgin, full of grace, give us a compassionate heart.
Our intercessor, soften the hearts of those who promote violence.
Daughter of the Father, help us to discover that we are all children of the same God.
Mother of the Son, our brother, bring us closer each day to our shared humanity.
Faithful to the Spirit, teach us to entrust to Him the life of those who suffer.
We pray for the boys who live through war.
We pray for the girls who endure violence.
We pray for the adolescents and young people without the hope of future horizons.
We pray for the men and women who want peace.
we pray also for those who are unaware of the meaning of war,
give them a compassionate and merciful heart.
We ask this of you, Queen of Peace.