Newsletter 14: 5 November 2024

Dear Colleagues,

‘The world can change beginning from the heart’

Amid the clamour in the lead up to the US Presidential Election, which reached its crescendo last week after months of antagonistic rhetoric, the prophetic voice of Pope Francis through his most recent encyclical, provided a well timed message to people throughout the world. Whilst the US Election campaign seemed to be light on policy from both sides and at times heavy with invective and personal insult, Dilexit nos – He Loved Us speaks of the love Christ has for all of us.

Throughout the Encyclical Pope Francis invites us to reflect on encountering the love of Christ. Noting the relationship between Dilexit nos and his social Encyclicals Laudato si' and Fratelli tutti, Pope Francis explains that the heart leads to questions that matter:

What meaning do I want for my life, my choices, or my actions?

Who am I before God?

For Marist educators, this Encyclical is essential reading. The Pope challenges us to renew our devotion to the Heart of Christ. In the face of “communities and pastors excessively caught up in external activities, structural reforms that have little to do with the Gospel, obsessive reorganization plans, worldly projects, secular ways of thinking and mandatory programmes”, it is essential, says Pope Francis, to return to “the incarnate synthesis of the Gospel” and experience anew ‘a love that gives itself as drink’.

Pope Francis draws on the inspiration of many of the great Saints whose own encounters with the Heart of Christ have inspired the faithful over the centuries. Resonating with Marists is the highlighting by the Holy Father of Saint Francis De Sales, whose spiritual writings so influenced Saint Marcellin.

With the image of our names written on the heart of Christ,

Saint Francis De Sales sought to express the extent

to which Christ’s love for each of us is not something abstract and generic,

but utterly personal, enabling each believer

to feel known and respected for who he or she is.

In these final busy weeks of the school year as we approach the Holy Season of Advent, may the words of Pope Francis provide inspiration in our prayers, thoughts, and work in schools.

“I ask our Lord Jesus Christ to grant that

His Sacred Heart may continue to pour forth

the streams of living water

that can heal the hurt we have caused,

strengthen our ability to love and serve others,

and inspire us to journey together towards a just,

solidary and fraternal world.

Until that day when we will rejoice in celebrating

together the banquet of the heavenly kingdom

in the presence of the risen Lord,

who harmonizes all our differences in the light

that radiates perpetually from his open heart.

May he be blessed forever”

Sally Dillon