Newsletter 4: 16 March 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Lent is a time when we are called to listen. To contemplate God’s voice, to feel God’s presence. In order to do this we are called to be more attentive to one another, to listen, and seek to understand. During the past four weeks, Australian women have spoken out bravely in relation to injustice and suffering at the hands of Australian men. The compelling strength, depth and dignity in which these issues have been brought forward into the public square present a catalyst for change in Australian society.

As educators we must be ever attentive to attitudes of prejudice. Such attitudes can insidiously worm their way into the collective consciousness of people young and old. It has been heartening to see the manner in which our Marist school leaders have prospered core elements of our Faith in the current important public debate. Below are a few examples.

As a Catholic school we have a commitment to the dignity of the human person, of which the expectations around social and sexual behaviours are fundamental.

Equally, there is an essential need for parents, families and peers to have the major role in reinforcing these basic understandings of the right of respect and dignity for lives that we all deserve by the very nature of our human condition.

Healthy relationship with others requires us to have open and honest conversations with teenagers in our care and educate them about respectful relationships and issues surrounding consent. Pope Francis reminds us that an education in the fullness of humanity should be the defining feature of Catholic schools.

As Marists, seeking to make Jesus known and loved in the way of Mary, the following prayer during this Lenten time of listening is commended to you.

For Christlikeness

In a still serenity of spirit Lord,

let me reflect your face.

Look upon me, look out from within me

Only ever upon the surface of my life let your face be seen.

Sally Dillon