Newsletter 12: 25 August 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Our schools are unapologetically Catholic in inspiration and in nature. We aim to provide the best education possible to every child who attends one of our schools. Believing as we do that, in the words of Gerald Manly Hopkins “the world is charged with the grandeur of God”, we recognise that every aspect of human knowledge and activity, to the extent that it is truly human, reveals something of the mystery of God and of God’s creative intention for the world.

Because it is our firm intention to educate the whole person, and because we believe that education is for life and not just for a job, we also acknowledge and insist that an education which sidelines or excludes the mystery of God from consideration is an education which can only ever be less than complete. By leaving God out of the process, we are indeed selling our children and young people short and leaving them with a limited and distorted understanding of what it means to be a human person living his or her life to the full.

For the Catholic school to achieve its objectives, it needs people who are committed to this faith-filled vision, confident in their understanding of the Christian faith as it comes to expression in the Catholic tradition and eager to do their best to help their students grow in their own understanding of the presence of God at work in their lives. This Framework for Formation for Mission in Catholic Education has been developed to assist our teachers and other staff in their understanding of the awesome responsibility they have accepted, mindful of the old Latin tag: “nemo dat quod non habet” – no one can give what he or she doesn’t have.

Archbishop Tim Costelloe SBD 2017

These inspiring words are from the foreword to the Framework for Formation for Mission in Catholic Education and were written by Archbishop Tim Costelloe as Chair of the Bishop’s Commission for Catholic Education in 2017. The Framework was produced by the National Catholic Education Commission for all in Catholic education with responsibility for staff faith formation. It is commended to all Marist educators and school leaders for reflection .

Anyone involved with Marist education in this country understands staff faith formation is a priority, evident these past three decades. During this time, Marists have made a sustained and determined effort to provide quality faith formation experiences to literally tens of thousands of teachers and staff members working in Marist Schools throughout Australia. Detailed evaluation of each programme contributes to their ongoing evolution and response to needs. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the work of our teachers to do their best to help their students grow in their own understanding of the presence of God at work in their lives. This emphasis is not abrogating responsibility for learning, rather it fulfils and complements the desire to educate the whole person and meaningfully integrate faith and life. In Saint Marcellin’s words – “to make Jesus known and loved”. This important work would not be possible without the financial support of the Australian Province of the Marist Brothers, as it is largely through their contribution as well as that of our partners in Catholic education, that the Mission and Life Formation Team exists.

As we enter the seventh month of the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of the Marist Mission and Life Formation team has continued unabated, albeit differently. The following statistics provide a snapshot of their work, which illustrates an interest and commitment to spiritual development many would find surprising in a secular country such as Australia. Participants from 19 different Dioceses have largely accessed these opportunities online throughout 2020.


In the Marist Way - orientation program for staff new to Marist schools - 300 staff members

One Wild and Prescious Life - staff spirituality day - 2,800 staff members

The vision still has time - seven part reflection series written by Brother Mark O'Connor - 300 online subscribers

COVID-19 United in Prayer - daily prayers for all Marist school communities - all Marist schools, ministries and communities - a community of over 50,000 people

Champagnat Week resources and Champagnat Day Celebrations - prepared to assist schools in celebrating the feast day of Saint Marcellin - 1,000 YouTube views

The Art of Reading and Praying the Scripture - 4 one hour online learning modules - 300 participants

Mid-Winter Retreat - online two day retreat in school holidays led by Father Chris Monaghan - 100 participants

Your attention is drawn to an important notice in this week's newsletter from Australian Marist Solidarity. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are continuing to present increasing challenges for many of our Marist friends and colleagues throughout Asia, Melanesia and the Pacific. You are being invited to contribute to AMS through Workplace Giving (also known as payroll Donations or deductions).

The Marist Youth Ministry Team has been extremely creative and continued to hold a range of events during COVID-19, some of which are described in this newsletter.

Sally Dillon