Newsletter 17: 3 December 2019
On Saturday evening the “Marist Schools Australia Mass and Dinner” for the southern region was celebrated at Marcellin College, Bulleen. This was the last of three such occasions, held in each Marist region in Australia. For 2019, these opportunities brought 380 Marist educators and their loved ones together. Importantly 46 staff members from 40 different schools and associated ministries were recognised in appreciation for their service to Marist education. One could not help but be inspired by the citations read by the respective school Principal or ministry leader describing these worthy award recipients. By evenings end for each, one felt blessed and privileged to be associated with such a vibrant, joyous and committed community, whose expression of Christian life and vocation has such determination and purpose in education.
At this time of year, inevitably we say farewell to colleagues who may be retiring or moving to new positions in other schools or organisations. These changes stir us deeply, as witnessed at each of our celebrations these past few months. The feelings we experience at such times, reflect not just a natural grieving for a close daily friendship, but more so recognition and realisation of profound, kindred experiences which have fulfilled our core vocational desires and aspirations. Our Marist “Love of work” is a way of capturing in part the richness and importance of work in God’s plan for each of us. Pope John Paul II described work as a means by which people achieve fulfilment as “human beings”. Our Church’s teaching consistently promotes the nature of work as intrinsic to our human dignity. It is indeed heartening to see such dignity so consistently evident in our schools.
As the holidays fast approach, and this the last newsletter for 2019, I wish everyone the peace and joy that Jesus brings this Christmas. May it be a time of renewal in Faith and gratitude to God, in the company of family and friends. As Christians we know that giving to others brings immense joy and happiness, and I bring to your attention one last time the Australian Marist Solidarity Christmas Appeal, of which details appear again on page 7 of this edition.
Thank you for all you have done this year to support Marist education in its many contexts throughout the country, and for your fidelity to our shared vision – to make Jesus known and loved to the students with whom we live and work.