Newsletter 14: 20 October 2020

Dear Colleagues,

This week whilst visiting Marist College Canberra, members of the leadership team remarked on the falling seeds of the many silver poplar trees in the nation’s capital at this time of year. For them the blanket of white on the College ovals is the annual reminder of University exam time. In other parts of the country, the blossoming of Jacaranda trees throughout many areas of the city heralds likewise for Year 12 students.

In this extraordinary year, our minds are drawn to our Year 12 students at this time as they enter their final weeks of school. Exams and final assessments are well underway. It is a challenging time for our precious young people. Regrets for time ill spent, lapses in diligence and application, momentary and sustained distractions, and generally feeling underprepared are thoughts front of mind for most. Such emotions are readily recaptured as adults recalling our own journeys through school and university. In short they are feelings of anxiety. “Worry is useless, worry is wrong!” was the credo of a saintly Priest who looked after the senior students when I was at school. His daily Mass at the beginning of the lunch break was often said in 12 minutes and the brief homily included pithy insights tailored for adolescent boys with growling stomachs and games to play. His advice on the morning of the first HSC exams remains in mind. “Ask God to help you do your best right now! God is with you!” The power of prayer is real.

Knowing and believing the power of prayer is a gift beyond measure for every student in a Marist school. You are invited to share the words of this prayer with your Year 12 students over the coming weeks.

Jesus, give us the grace to do our best in all our studies and exams. Through all the things we learn, may we come to know and love you better, for all things come from you and can lead us to you, for you are in them all. Rather than individual profit, may your honour and glory and the service of others be the motive which urges us. Give us a love of the truth, perseverance in difficulties, modesty in success and cheerfulness in failure. Amen.

Sally Dillon