John Zika
Marcellin College Bulleen 1954-1959.
Teacher and Adviser in ESL and Multicultural Education at Vic. Ed. Dpt. 1979 – 1995.
Ethnic Services Development Officer with then Northcote Council 1996 – 1990.
Publican at the Old Homestead Inn, North Fitzroy 1990 -1994.
Executive Director, from 1995, of the Victorian Cooperative on Children’s Services for Ethnic Groups (VICSEG), a small NGO that supported refugee families. Expanded to include New Futures Training, which trains around 3000 students from diverse backgrounds each year for work in the caring services. Retired from VICSEG New Futures in 2019.
Served as a commissioner in the Victorian Multicultural Commission and received a Centennial Medal for work with the Darebin Ethnic Communities Council.