Newsletter 2: 18 February 2025

Dear Colleagues,

A distinctive feature of our Marist family is a strong sense of belonging. When working with Brother David Hall some years ago in Africa, the bond of fellow Marists was keenly felt. Brother David had been invited to collaboratively design with Marist school leaders from across Africa a significant and sustainable leadership programme, which was named New Horizons. At one point during the critical preparatory phase, a few members of the organising committee shared some concerns about the possible reluctance of some participants to engage with a few of the presenters who were not from Africa nor intimately familiar with its context. The “risk” was respectfully considered, and the overwhelming sentiment of the committee was to proceed with confidence, for in their words “We are all Marists!” The reality of what is universally identified as our Marist way of living the Gospel through education and care for young people transcends cultures and countries. In a world riven by so many polemics and armed conflicts, our Marist family is a rare and wonderful gift that echoes Pope Francis’ Encyclical Fratelli Tutti in which peoples of the world are called to live in a spirit of fraternity and social friendship.

Fortunately for Australian Marists we have incredible opportunities afforded us which enable staff and students to relate as brothers and sisters of the one human family with Marists throughout our region of the world. Provincial Brother Peter Carroll has asked that in 2025, all schools and Marist communities renew their efforts to support our fellow Marists in the Star of the Sea Province through Australian Marist Solidarity. The month of June and particularly the Feast Day of Saint Marcellin on Friday 6 June are times when our Marist schools are invited to highlight support for AMS. As you would be aware, the 2025 Australian Marist Solidarity Schools Campaign is for Saint Joseph’s College Tenaru in the Solomon Islands. Helpful resources can be found at, including a three minute informative video.

An important development for the Star of the Sea Province has been the appointment of Mr Mark Pauschmann as the new Executive Director of Province Ministries. Mark is the previous Principal of Parramatta Marist High School. He was also Principal of James Sheehan Catholic High School in Orange and prior to that Assistant Principal at Marist Sisters College Woolwich and Marist College Pagewood. Mark’s responsibilities will mostly involve works outside of Australia whilst working in close collaboration with MSA with a variety of initiatives.

This year the Marist Association of Saint Marcellin Champagnat will hold its fourth National Assembly from 27-29 June 2025 at Marist College Ashgrove. An important element in the lead up to the Assembly is the appointment of the Association Councillors. A letter to all members can be found here. Staff in Marist schools interested in exploring membership can find further details at

In March there will be an international gathering in France of Marist educational leaders to further refine and make effective the Champagnat Global Network. Launched in 2021, Champagnat Global was a direct response to calls from Marists throughout the world to be more closely connected and complementary especially in schools. These calls were echoed at the Marist International Mission Assembly in Nairobi in 2014 and at the General Chapter of the Marist Brothers in 2017 and formed a key element of the General Council’s strategic plan. Joining me in representing Australia will be Darren McGregor, Mark Pauschmann and Silvana Rossetti.

As we look to the year ahead, may we embrace every opportunity to relate as sisters and brothers of the one human family.

Lord, Father of our human family,

you created all human beings equal in dignity:

pour forth into our hearts a fraternal spirit

and inspire in us a dream of renewed encounter,

dialogue, justice and peace.

Move us to create healthier societies

and a more dignified world,

a world without hunger, poverty, violence and war.

May our hearts be open

to all the peoples and nations of the earth.

May we recognize the goodness and beauty

that you have sown in each of us,

and thus forge bonds of unity, common projects,

and shared dreams.


Prayer of Pope Franics Fratelli Tutti October 2020

Sally Dillon